Exchange in Public Health

World Blood Donor Day Marked

An event marking the World Blood Donor Day was held at the National Blood Centre of the Ministry of Public Health on June 17.

Present there were officials of the Ministry of Public Health and relevant organs, volunteer donors and employees of the centre.

An address was made.

The speaker expressed his thanks to volunteer donors and medical workers in the sector of blood transfusion for their efforts for ensuring safe transfusion and said that the World Health Organization called this year for increasing the number of volunteer donors and supplying needed blood on time, so as to ensure a smooth treatment for patients.

He called upon all members of society to take voluntary part in donating blood with warm humanity and thereby make an active contribution to bringing the advantages of Korea-style socialist public-health system into fuller play.

The participants watched a video on blood transfusion service and photos introducing blood donation and enjoyed an artistic performance given by employees of the centre.

World Blood Donor Day was also marked in local areas.