Talent Training

“They Prefer Nursery to Home”

Established in October Juche 46 (1957) for the convenience of working women, the weekly nursery in Wolhyang-dong, Moranbong District, Pyongyang always resounds with merry laughter and songs of children.

The nursery has been renovated to suit the mentality of children and keep the developing times.  

It is fully furnished with rooms the upbringing and education of children, including a room for intelligent games.

Its officials and nurses organize the schedule of the children ranging from the weekly menu to games, with main emphasis on bringing the children up in good health.

In addition, they conduct various types of work to bring the children’s aptitudes and talents into full bloom. 

Ryu Kyong Suk, a resident in Jinhung-dong, Moranbong District, said: “To be frank, when I left my child in the nursery for the first time, I was worried. However, now I am very glad to see my child prefer the nursery to home and grow up in good health as the days go by.”

Jang Yun Hui, headmistress of the nursery, said that thanks to the childcare policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea, children are provided with dairy produce, nutritious foods and first-crop fruits and they grow up cheerfully and in good health under the care of the Party and the state.