Public Health Policies

Healthcare Policy of the DPRK

In the DPRK everyone enjoys the most advantageous and advanced medical benefits to the full thanks to the healthcare policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea which regards man as the most precious being in the world.

The Party’s healthcare policy embodies the Juche idea and fully reflects the demands and interests of the masses of the people.

It clarifies all methodology including detailed tasks and ways for consolidating the socialist healthcare system, giving full play to its advantages and developing health services in a far-sighted way, as well as mental and moral traits to be possessed by health workers.

Such policy ensures that the country’s healthcare invariably maintains its true nature of serving the people.

The socialist healthcare policy mainly consists of preventive medicine, section doctor system, medical services, management and operation of hospitals, protection and promotion of the health of children and women, combination of Koryo medicine with modern medicine, protection and effective use of mineral water resources, development of medical science and technology and provision of materials to the public health sector.

In the DPRK, additional plans are steadily being made to develop socialist healthcare into the most advantageous and advanced one and provide better medical benefits to the people. This gives impetus to the drive to renovate preventive and curative institutions and pharmaceutical and medical appliances factories, build up the ranks of health workers and consolidate the anti-epidemic foundation for coping with any global health crisis.