Medical Service

Paekhak-brand Goods Favoured by People

The demand for the Paekhak-brand dental hygiene supplies is growing among users.

The Pyongyang Dental Hygiene Supplies Factory, which produces functional and medical toothpastes and different types of functional toothbrushes and gargles, strives to produce more and better products which are in high demand among users.

Researchers at the factory have newly presented borneol toothpaste, domiphen gargle and other dental hygiene supplies. The borneol toothpaste developed by Ju Son Hwa, section chief of the Dental Hygiene Supplies Research Institute of the factory, is effective in preventing dental caries and relieving toothache and oral pains. Borneol is popular among users as it emits peculiar refreshing aroma.

Domiphen gargle is also an appealing functional product. The gargle made with domipheni bromidium, which is recognized in the world as having a very strong anti-inflammatory action, and menthol is highly effective in preventing and treating oral diseases, including periodontitis, thrush and ulcerative stomatitis.

The products from the factory have been highly appreciated at many exhibitions in the past and are recognized as the top domestic products.

The factory is putting efforts to strengthening its own technical forces, modernizing equipment and improving the quality of products.