Health Indexes of Orphans Improve

There is the Pyongyang Baby Home on the bank of the picturesque Taedong River.
Each teaching room of the baby home has something in common.
It is a handbook, which contains the monthly records of the heights, weights, nutritional states, exercise capacities and intellectual abilities of the orphans which have been assessed from the first days of their admittance to the nursery.
While referring to the records, the nurses establish a nursing and teaching method suited to the physical and psychological characteristics of each child, so as to bring them up to be healthy and cheerful and help them cultivate good habits.
In addition, the institution has established the information system embracing all its work ranging from the methods of assessing nutritional management according to the analysis data on the children’s growth to the improvement of the qualifications of nurses and the management of the institution.
Its nurses endeavour to facilitate the harmonious growth and development of the children under their charge. For example they make and actively use multimedia presentations necessary for the development of intelligence of the children.
Thanks to the kindred affection of its officials and employees and the scientific methods of nutritional and health care, the average health indexes of the orphans have improved remarkably.
Choe Jong Sil, headmistress of the baby home, said: All these successes are unthinkable apart from the childcare policy of the Party and the government which provide everything to the children on a top priority basis. Nothing is more worthwhile and awarding than taking good care of our children and bringing them up well to the envy of others and thereby training them to be excellent pillars for the future.