Injections in Limelight

The Pyongyang municipal medical science and technology festival-2024 sponsored by the Korea Medical Association took place from August 27 to September 5.
Many units took part in the festival held on the theme of "Improving the Quality of Medical Services by Applying Achievements in Medical Science and Technology".
What drew attention of visitors were medicines, medical appliances and health foods.
In particular, vitamin B17 and Salium injection presented by the Moranbong Koryo Medicine Factory and the Pothonggang Koryo Medicine Factory, respectively, were highly appreciated.
Vitamin B17 injection manufactured by refining amygdalin extracted from apricot seeds, known as an anticancer and ageing-retarding material from olden times, has clearly proved its efficacy in clinical practice. Unlike conventional anticancer medicines, this injection has a strong toxic effect only on cancer cells, produces no adverse effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss or hematologic changes and improves the overall conditions of the patient as well as the appetite and mood during treatment.
Salium injection is recognized as an ideal injection for guaranteeing vitality and health. Its main ingredient is lithium which is known as a wonderful medicine in the world and widely used in the treatment of various internal diseases.
As it has an incomparably higher antioxidant effect than selenium and, as a cell-enhancing agent, remarkably improves immunity, the injection is used for various neuralgic disorders including rheumatoid arthritis.