For More Than a Decade

Sin Un Byol at the Inhung Polyclinic is a doctor in charge of residents in Inhung-dong No. 1 of Moranbong District, Pyongyang. She enjoys love and respect from the inhabitants under her charge.
It is said that she travels tens of kilometres a day to visit her patients, often leaving her home early in the morning when other members of her family are still asleep.
While working devotedly for the residents under her charge for over ten years, she has cured many patients. In this period she cured a four-year-old child of severe febrile convulsion and thus brought pleasure to its family. And she burned the midnight oil on several occasions trying to treat patients with obstinate diseases.
There is a more moving story. There was a man who was bedridden with an injury he had received in an accident five years before. She tried her best to treat him, sometimes preparing tonics for him. Thanks to her two-year devotion, the patient could leave his sickbed.
She made strenuous efforts to learn Koryo therapies that can effectively treat common diseases. As the Koryo therapies she uses are simple and effective, they are quite popular among all her patients.
Well aware of the health conditions and even constitutional characteristics of the residents under her charge, she has been looking after them with kindred affection for more than ten years. Seeing her, they unanimously say that they feel more keenly the benevolence of the socialist healthcare system.