Medical Service

True Medical Worker

Pak Chung Song, a doctor at the functional diagnosis department of the Kaesong Municipal General Hospital, is a true medical worker who is respected not only by his colleagues but also by the residents in the city.

He is respected by them mainly because he is infinitely faithful to his duties, conscious of being an engineer of human life.

 He developed this personality trait under the influence of his parents who had worked faithfully in the public health sector all their lives.

Since he started his career as a medical worker after graduating from a university, he devoted his utmost sincerity to his job, reviewing every day whether he treated people with affection and whether he made correct diagnosis for his patients and taking relevant measures.

He took care of many patients including Jong Sok Hwan, a special-class honoured disabled soldier living in Songgyungwan-dong, Kaesong, as he would do his own flesh and blood, and his such sincere devotion continues to this day.

Another aspect of his trait of being faithful to his duty as a doctor is that he has acquired high professional abilities through painstaking efforts. He has assiduously read medical reference books and other books on related fields and made painstaking efforts to possess as keen judgement as his seniors had acquired through many years of work.

Thanks to these efforts, he could possess the ability to make a correct diagnosis on patients with different diseases and apply treatment measures for them accordingly. In the course of this he saved many patients from jaws of death.

Not only he has rescued many people from the jaws of death, but also updated many medical instruments including the gastroscopy in his hospital, thus contributing to improving the quality of its medical services.

In recognition of his devoted service for 15 years, the state conferred the title of a Meritorious Person of Socialist Patriotism on him.