Medical Service

If You Want Your Teeth to Remain White and Healthy 

Man should cleanse and whiten the teeth to remain healthy and beautiful just as he does the skin.  

Interest in teeth whitening means which functions as a cleanser and whitener is growing worldwide.

The Jangsubong Chemist’s in the DPRK has developed a medical device with which the user can whiten his teeth by himself. 

This device helps to whiten the teeth and at the same time remove plaque, calculus and halitosis in a short time.

It is composed of whitening gel which is safe and free of side effect, irradiator for activating catalyst which raises gel’s efficacy and rubber impression tray for smoothly attaching gel on the tooth surface.

As the teeth, once whitened with this simple-to-use device, remains white and healthy for several years, the device is in high demand.