Medical Service

Natural Antioxidant Health Food—Chitosan Hawthorn Capsule

As man grows old, a lot of free radicals are produced in his body. 

It is a well-known fact that free radicals are a cause of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, hyperlipemia and other diseases.

And in order to prevent and treat these diseases, it is necessary to intake antioxidants. 

Chitosan hawthorn capsules are a satisfactory natural antioxidant.

Made with medicinal components good for the treatment of cerebral and cardiovascular system disorders extracted from crustacean and hawthorn by advanced technology, this product was patented in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. 

According to data published by the world’s medical circles, chitosan is the sixth nutrient of life man must intake and the capacity of hawthorn’s proanthocyanidin of removing free radicals is 20 times higher than vitamin E and 50 times than vitamin C.

The medicine containing hawthorn extract and chitosan and the method of preparing it won gold medal at the 15th national exhibitions of inventions and new technologies, the top prize at the 33rd national sci-tech festival and a diploma at Pyongyang international exhibition of health and sports science and technology.

The demand for the capsules is increasing day by day.