Medical Service

Veteran Pharmacist

PhD Ryong Son Il has been working at the compound pharmaceutical department of Kim Man Yu Hospital for scores of years.

Endowed with an unusual inquiry, he has devoted himself to research with a high ambition since his early years. He developed haemoglipherum pills effective for treating anaemia caused by iron shortage, winning the limelight of the pharmaceutical circles. He also developed a gel for ultrasonic diagnosis, thus contributing to enhancing medical service in the hospital.

Not content with his achievements, he kept developing more than 30 kinds of medicines, including polyamino acid and brain metabolic stimulant that are efficacious for the recovery and treatment of children and the aged who suffer from liver disorders and malnutrition. 

Now his hair turned grey with the lapse of time, but he remains resolute and energetic.

In addition, he developed Tannin anti-sclerosis Injection which makes it possible to completely cure piles with a single administration, and made notable achievements in the research for wider application of the injection. In the past piles had been treated only by a surgical method. 

The injection won the first prize at a national medical science symposium, causing a great sensation in the academic circles. Later, he developed a number of other medicines, including an injection that is made of materials extracted from minerals and good for cardiac diseases, and applied them into clinical practice.

Meanwhile, he has directed efforts to educational work.

He gave many lectures at several universities, including Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences, and wrote books “Receptor and Development of Medicines”, “Stress and Natural Materials” and “Nutritive Pharmacology” and tens of essays conducive to promoting the country’s medical development. He also contributed some essays to international journals.

In recognition of his exploits dedicated to the pharmacological development of the country, the state honoured him with the title of a meritorious person of socialist patriotism in Juche 110 (2021).