Medical Service

Garlic and Nanosilver Injection

Garlic and nanosilver injection developed by the Hakbong Pharmaceutical Plant is winning the public limelight.

From olden times, Koreans widely used garlic in both their dietary life and medical treatment, as a tiny amount of allicin, a main antibiotic component in garlic, is strong enough to kill or resist tubercle and cold bacilli.

Nanosilver is also resistant to 650-odd kinds of pathogens and develops no tolerance.

The technicians of the Plant have made in-depth studies to develop a medicine against TB by making use of unique advantages of garlic and nanosilver.

They applied a biological engineering method to combine allicin, which is unstable and easily decomposed by heat, with nanosilver particles and finally succeeded in developing a new highly effective broad-spectrum antibiotic injection. 

The injection features strong antibiotic properties and lasting effects. It marvelously regenerates the damaged cellular tissues and is free from poisonous effects on human body or side effects. In particular, no tolerance is developed.

Clinical practice proved that it has a clear effect on the treatment of tuberculosis as well as influenza, bronchitis, dermatitis, cystitis, gastritis, hepatitis and other inflammatory diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia and gynecological troubles.

It is registered on the list of patents of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.