By Expanding the Scope of Massage Therapy

In the past the massage department of the Pothonggang District Hospital specialized in the treatment of such diseases as herniated disk, cervical spondylosis and lumbar myalgia.
But many of the visitors to the hospital were patients with chronic diseases like hypertension and angina pectoris.
The medical workers of the department held discussions on how to treat such diseases with traditional Koryo therapies.
To do so, they had to delve into various fields like human anatomy and neurologia and discover new methods for combining massage therapy in treating the diseases.
Busy as they were treating patients, they seldom stopped thinking and inquiry, in the course of which they were convinced that if they found accurate spots for massage and applied the intensity of massage as suited to the physical constitutions of patients, they would be able to cure various sorts of diseases.
Then, one day, a 65-year-old patient with cerebral thrombosis was rushed to the hospital. The patient overcame dangerous moments thanks to intensive cure, but his tetraplegia continued.
The chief of the department and a doctor named Kim Ok Hui found out spots important for removing paralysis and treated the patient by combining massage with various other Koryo therapies. Thanks to their devoted efforts, the patient recovered and left the hospital after about 20 days.
Encouraged by this, the medical workers of the department have applied the method to other diseases including autonomic imbalance, phrenocardia and hypertension, achieving great successes.