Company Famous for Kumdang-5 Tablet

Kumdang-5 tablet is very popular both at home and abroad. As it is made with Kaesong Koryo Insam as the main ingredient, and essential microelements and light rare earth elements, its immune-improving and invigorating effects are much higher than those of other kinds of tonic.
This medicine is produced by the Namsong Pharmaceutical Company.
Min Hyok, director of the company and leading developer of the medicine, developed Kumdang-2 tablet scores of years ago with a determination to make an efficacious medicine with Kaesong Koryo Insam, a specialty of Korea and plant with distinct pharmacological action. Recently he succeeded in making Kumdang-5 tablet far more efficacious than Kumdang-2 tablet by applying nano technology.
Though cheap, Kumdang-5 tablet is highly effective in preventing various diseases like cancer and flu. For this, it has won special and gold prizes in several domestic exhibitions, as well as a patent.
The company has also received local patents for medicines like glytecine injection, a medicine for liver disorders and allergic diseases, which it developed with the domestic resources and technology.