Able Pharmacologist

Mun Hye Son, head of department at the Drug Inspection Centre of the Food and Drug Inspection Institute under the Ministry of Public Health, is an able pharmacologist. Over the past three decades she has found solutions to the numerous technical problems arising in estimating the effects of pharmacological properties and verifying their safety.
Her research was not confined to drug inspection.
Using Concha Margaritiferae as the major ingredient, she developed sedative tablets that proved highly efficient in treating intractable diseases. Though an effective material of high medicinal value, pearl is not available in plenty. After years of pharmaceutical experiments and clinical tests, she managed to find a solution to the problem of pearl substitute.
Recently, she developed Kinnallin thromboclasis tablets with no side effects and introduced them in clinical practice. She also established a new method for producing artificial musk and authored Artificial Musk. Her research findings won high appreciation at ten or so national festivals and exhibitions, in which she was awarded more than 30 certificates.