Koryo Medicine Promotes the Health of Middle-aged Women

Recently the Epimedium hysteromyoma capsule, a product of the Yua Pharmaceutical Factory, is very popular among the middle-aged women. Most of women patients with hysteromyoma, adenomyosis and mastopathy have resorted to hormone therapy and surgical method.
The recent development of the new medicine is giving a hope to women with above mentioned diseases. Ri Hyang Sun, 36, a resident in Pothonggang-dong No. 2, Pothonggang District, Pyongyang, says that after she was diagnosed with adenomyosis she has taken Epimedium hysteromyoma capsule for three months and completely got well.”
As a Koryo medicine it has no side effect; it has a positive effect on preventing and treating various kinds of gynecologic diseases caused by female hormone disorder.