Medical Service

Developing Advanced Treatment Methods

Jang Yong Jun at the neurosurgical department of the Kim Man Yu Hospital enjoys good opinions of the patients. This is the fruition of his painstaking efforts to improve his practical qualifications, study advanced treatment methods and apply them to the treatment of patients.  

One of the advanced methods he developed is for treating the moyamoya disease, a disease considered to be the most difficult to treat in neurosurgery, through anastomosis arteria temporalis superficialis-arteria cerebri media. If he had followed what had been written on the medical literature, he could have presented the method long time before. But he studied the advanced method, which suited the physical constitution of Koreans, with an ambition to develop an innovative method, and presented a perfect method.  

Not resting content with the success, he continued to study and presented various advanced methods including peripheral nerve amastosis, thus increasing the quality of medical service. Thanks to his valuable achievements, surgical skills and devotion, many patients have recovered their health.