Medical Service

Vaccine Giving Hope to Cancer Patients

The cancer prevention research section of the Tumour Institute under the Academy of Medical Sciences developed an anti-cancer vaccine. 

With an aim to develop the vaccine that suits the physical constitution of the Korean people and costs less, they have long undertaken research on it. In the course of it, they concluded that it was the main thing to separate the elements essential in cancer tissue by a bioengineering method, eliminate cancer protogene and enhance immunogenicity.

They intensified research. After decades of study, they developed a vaccine for treating cancer. The vaccine, whose efficacy was confirmed through clinical study, is now being used in treating patients.

Ri Yong Il, who is 76 years old and lives in People’s Neighbourhood Unit No. 8, Tongan-dong No. 2, Central District, Pyongyang, has this to say: In 2002 I was diagnosed to have liver cancer, and doctors said I could live only one more year whether I had an operation or not. I had an operation and used this vaccine, and to my surprise, I found I was getting better. Thanks to the efficacy of the medicine, I have been living 21 more years.

The vaccine is more effective to the patients who are suffering from breast cancer, lung cancer and cervical cancer.

The researchers are now studying hard to develop more efficacious anti-cancer vaccines.