Medical Service

Meritorious Base for Producing Preventive Medicines 

Prophylaxis is the basis of the medicine of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The Pyongyang Preventive Medicine Factory located in Sonnae-dong, Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang, has produced various kinds of preventive medicines for over seven decades since its establishment, thus contributing to realizing the intrinsic requirement of the socialist healthcare system. It supplied preventive medicines and articles for sterilization to cope with the barbaric germ warfare waged by the enemy during the Fatherland Liberation War, thus contributing to protecting the lives of the KPA soldiers and civilians. Later, it has mass-produced medicines for preventing malaria, smallpox, measles and other infectious diseases. 

Now the factory is focusing on the production of medicines for preventing highly infectious seasonal diseases which are caused by bacteria or virus. Last year it produced in a short span of time the preventive medicines badly needed for anti-epidemic work. It is also proactive in introducing advanced science and technology so as to improve the quality of its products. Its technicians and other employees are striving to improve the efficacy of medicines while reducing their production cost as much as possible. The factory has developed efficacious medicines against influenza. 

Its officials, technicians and other employees are trying their best to produce larger amounts of efficacious preventive medicines which are needed for protecting the people’s lives and health.