Can Obesity Be Cured with Koryo Medicine?

Obesity is regarded as an incurable disease worldwide. Because obesity causes various geriatric diseases like diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipemia, research into it is being conducted intensively. Thyroxin may help obese people to lose some weight, but as it causes various side effects it is not widely used.
However, there is a Koryo therapist, named Pak Kyong Suk, in Kinmaul Polyclinic in Moran District, Pyongyang, who succeeded in treating obesity with acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and other Koryo therapies. She had observed obesity patients for more than 20 years before making a foray into research into obesity based on the theory that it is related with thyroiditis.
Busy as she was treating patients in the morning and making the rounds of families under her charge in the afternoon, she persevered with her research. Whenever she came across a treatment method, she would test it by applying accupuncture and moxibustion on herself.
Many obesity patients, especially the cases combined with thyroiditis, in the district were cured by her. A typical example is Cha Hyon Ok who suffered for several years from obesity combined with disfunction of the pancreas, gallbladder and kidney.
Pak has also succeeded in curing with traditional medicine melancholy, slipped disk, allergy-related diseases, dilatation of prostate gland and diseases caused by physical changes during adolescence and climacteric period.