Paying Close Attention to Supplying of Nutritional Foods to Children
On April 10, 1971, President Kim Il Sung gave field guidance at the then Jangsuwon Cooperative Farm in Samsok District, Pyongyang, to look into its farming work in spring.
After inquiring about the supply of nutritional foods to children there, he said that every child should be supplied with one egg a day.
Kim Il Sung used to visit nurseries and kindergartens first during his field guidance and stress that children should be brought up in good health.
He paid close attention to supplying children with a sufficient amount of eggs. When he saw haricot bean vines growing around the houses at a rural village in Chosan County, he thought that it would be good to feed children on haricot beans rich in nutritional content and said that as 50 haricot beans are equal to one egg in terms of nutritive value, children should be fed on a lot of haricot beans like they should be on eggs.
As he considered nutrition care of children to be an important issue, he concerned himself with the supply of eggs to children during his field guidance of a farm.
Under his deep affection for children, a remarkable improvement was brought about in the supply of nutritional foods to children.