
Patriotic Appeal

The first year after Korea's liberation witnessed an unprecedentedly rich crop in the country.

Jubilant over the bumper harvest, peasants across the country turned out in a movement to prepay the tax in kind.

Representatives of the peasants in the then Sinbu Sub-county, Sonchon County, North Phyongan Province, who took the first place in the province in the movement, were honoured to meet the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.

Greeting them cordially, Kim Il Sung shook hands with them.

The peasants were so delighted and excited to meet the leader that they could hardly find words for expressing themselves.

After hearing what they said, Kim Il Sung praised them for having worked hard and said that nation-building was more important than anything else at present.

He told them: You should work towards further cementing the people’s government and farm well; you should produce a plenty of grains, grow cotton and cocoon on an extensive scale and be effective in animal husbandry; when you return home, you should direct major efforts to these works.

Looking round them, he said that he would devote all his energy and passion to nation-building and that if they pooled their energy and wisdom and were united, they could do anything. Then he called upon them to build a prosperous democratic state good to live in. 

Deeply moved to hear what the representatives told them about all this on their return home, the local peasants made up their mind to turn out as one in nation-building true to the leader’s intention.