
Seeing a Performance by Honoured Disabled Ex-Soldiers’ Art Groups

Early in December Juche 79 (1990) a National Joint Performance of the Honoured Disabled Ex-soldiers’ Art Groups was held in Pyongyang.

President Kim Il Sung saw the performance.

After the performance was over, he met the performers and highly praised them. Recalling the tearful scenes they had shown during the performance, he said: How good it is that disabled ex-soldiers sing to their heart’s content their happy, worthwhile life on the stage! Such scene can be seen only in our socialist system.

Then he looked round the performers and talked about the advantages of the socialist system, before saying that they should add lustre to the excellent socialist system down through generations.

He continued: Disabled ex-soldiers should continue to bring the flower of the revolution into bloom. Just as flowers are loved by the people only when they keep blooming in a pot, the disabled ex-soldiers would be loved and respected by the people and enjoy their worthwhile life as revolutionaries when they continue to bring the flower of the revolution into bloom.