
Request to Saleswomen of Pharmacies

One day in May Juche 111 (2022) the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited Mannyon and Jangsaeng pharmacies in Pyongyang, immediately after an emergency consultative meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea to cope with the unexpected public health crisis.

Very shocked to see him enter their pharmacy, the saleswomen of Jangsaeng Pharmacy asked him earnestly not to come in saying it was a very dangerous place. But he stepped to the counter and asked them what kinds of medicines the people demanded most. At that time one of the saleswomen coughed out of herself.

Kim Jong Un asked her if she had not been afraid when she had been ill with the disease. She answered no. He asked her to tell him what she thought was the best method to treat the epidemic and what she would tell when people with a fever asked her for advice. She explained him her treatment experience.

After hearing her out, he said: Judging from what this saleswoman said, the treatment of the current epidemic is within our reach; the saleswomen of pharmacies should not confine themselves to selling medicines mechanically to the visitors but explain convincingly that they need not fear the disease too much.