
Sunglasses Tell

One day in May Juche 63 (1974), the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung visited the then Songsin Cooperative Farm in Sadong District, Pyongyang.

He looked with satisfaction at the rice-seedling transplanters working on the rice fields.

After a while, he called the drivers to him. After shaking hands with them, he asked if their legs did not hurt, how long they could work without having a break and how many hectares they could transplant rice seedlings on a day. 

Then he cast a look at the dazzling sun and the paddy fields that reflected the sunshine and asked them if they did not feel hurt in the eyes. 

The drivers answered no. After being lost in deep thought for a while, he said: The drivers of rice-seedling transplanters and their assistants should be provided with sunglasses; their eyesight might be impaired if they work without wearing sunglasses. Then he took a measure there and then for providing them with sunglasses as a labour safety gear.

The drivers were quite touched by his concern for ordinary farmers.