Let Us Send a Doctor Instead of His Family
One night in June Juche 66 (1977) an official conveyed to the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il a telegram from a DPRK mission in a foreign country which read that an official working in that country had been so seriously wounded in an accident that he was hopeless, and so it was necessary to send his family to the country. After reading the telegram Kim Jong Il remained silent for a while as his heart was heavy.
Then he said: Sending his family means that there is no hope of saving his life; he should not be left as he is; let’s send a doctor instead of his family, a qualified, competent doctor who could save his life; in my opinion it would be better to send a surgical doctor of medicine.
The official was surprised to think that a doctor would be sent to the distant island country, not to a neighbouring country, and for only one patient at that.
After a while Kim Jong Il said: We cannot leave the valuable life of a revolutionary loved by President Kim Il Sung in the hands of foreign doctors; he was wounded while working hard in a foreign country to carry out the external economic policy of our Party; we must send a competent doctor and save his life without fail.
Thus an airplane left for the island country and the patient at last was saved from the jaws of death. It was a miracle born of the great affection of Kim Jong Il for his comrades.